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Personal Information

Emergency Contact Name and Number

Volunteer Interests & Expertise

Programs of Interest (Check all that apply)

Services to prevent surrender due to aging, health issues, transitions, or emergencies. Includes in-home help on a short or long-term basis, education on adapting to changes in abilities, fostering and boarding help and resources, and more. Volunteers may: foster or board parrots in the program; directly care for parrots in client homes; teach clients new bird care skills; transport birds, cages, or materials; other things as needed.
Help for people interested in improving their birds’ lives by providing resources and referrals related to enrichment and environment. Volunteers may: Make toys; cut and drill wood for toy parts; transport cages, stands, perches, etc.; other as needed.
A nutrition outreach program to bring fresh produce to parrot guardians as well as educating clients and the public about healthy, up to date parrot diets. Volunteers may: Contact grocery stores to inquire about produce donation; pick up and distribute food from partner stores to clients; prepare food to distribute; other as needed.
Do you have an idea you would like to implement for fundraising? Do you write grants? Are you a natural party planner? Do you like public speaking?
Surrenders are taken by referral only. They will most likely have intense medical or behavioral challenges or will be a flock. Any Emergency Surrender volunteer must have the medical or behavioral knowledge or physical space necessary to foster the incoming birds.
Bringing vets to parrots and parrots to vets. ESA birds included here as well. Volunteers may: transport birds to interviews; assess and foster potential ESA birds; outreach to vet centers, VFWs, etc.; become a caring, knowledgeable resource for a veteran in the program; volunteer at local rescues with veterans; other as needed.
You are valuable! We need people to consult, ideas to hash, and talents of all kinds. Accountants, lawyers, website designers, social media gurus, writers, photographers, teachers, artists, carpenters, electricians, social workers, doctors, police officers, etc. You never know who has the tidbit of knowledge to pull something together.

Other Questions

Online in lieu of signature

In most jurisdictions, including the United States under the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN Act), online signatures are considered legally binding and hold the same weight as a traditional signature.

I hereby certify that the information I have provided above is truthful and complete. I understand that a background check will be conducted if I work directly with vulnerable populations in accordance with the Serve America Act.

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