Surrender Request (Does NOT Guarantee we can take in your dog)

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Request to Surrender Puppy/Dog (NO Cats or other animals)

We know that sometimes life happens and people find themselves unable to properly care for their dog. Our greatest fear is that someone will feel so desperate that they consider giving or selling their dog to a stranger.  Without the required references and home checks performed by rescue groups, dogs run the risk of being placed into unhealthy and abusive homes. We want to ensure your loved one gets the home they deserve.

Before you make the decision to surrender, give away, or sell your dog, we may be able to help you find solutions that will allow you to keep your dog as a member of the family. While we can't guarantee miracles, we do have extensive experience dealing with a multitude of issues and can certainly offer suggestions and alternatives to giving up your dog.

Unfortunately due to the chaotic and busy nature of the shelter, if you have not heard back from us within 5 business days, this likely means we are at capacity and cannot take your pet. We apologize for this, but it is the state of todays world, where there are more animals than available spaces for them in rescues and shelters. If we had our way, we would save them all, but that is not the reality we are in. We also recommend that you search out BREED SPECIFIC Rescues, in addition to shelters

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