ResQ Partner Program

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Personal Information

ResQ Partner Program Eligibility Criteria

This form is to be completed by the director or a person in a leadership position within your organization. Use the organization's address and contact details. The ResQ Partner relationship functions at the organizational level. Volunteers are not required to fill out this form. This pledge is not legally binding; it serves merely as a symbol of our shared dedication to animal protection and the ethical, transparent governance of our organizations. 

To be recognized as a ResQ Partner, your mission should demonstrate a deep commitment to the welfare of animals and the principles of compassion and responsibility outlined below. Please check yes to each question to acknowledge your commitment to these principles. 

The Director of TTR may grant exceptions to organizations that fulfill most criteria, even if they are not registered as non-profits.
Selecting 'yes' below signifies that you have read the information provided, but it does not obligate you to follow us.
Selecting 'yes' below signifies that you have read the information provided, but it does not obligate you to join any of these groups.
By selecting 'yes' below, you acknowledge that you have read the provided information and agree with the general premise.
By selecting 'yes' below, you acknowledge that you have read the provided information and agree with the general premise.
By selecting 'yes' below, you acknowledge that you have read the provided information and agree with the general premise.
By selecting 'yes' below, you acknowledge that you have read the provided information and agree with the general premise.

ResQ Partner Support Benefits

As a ResQ Partner, you are eligible for a range of valuable support offered by TTR to further your mission of rescuing and caring for animals. Support services available to ResQ Partners, subject to TTR funding availability, include:

Program Support:

  • ResQ Support Pledges: Monetary donations from TTR to support ResQ Partners' work.
  • ResQ Fund: Financial assistance with spaying and neutering costs, as funds are available.
  • ResQ Pantry: Food and supplies to support the care of your rescue animals.
  • ResQ Shuttle: Transportation assistance to take rescue animals to veterinary appointments or for freedom rides from shelters to safety.
  • ResQ Network: ResQ Partners become part of our ResQ Network, where rescues and organizations unite with a common mission to save animals and pledge mutual support. 

Event Benefits

  • Discounted Event Tickets: Attend our events, namely our annual gala event, at a reduced rate. 
  • Gala Silent Auction Participation: A ResQ partner attending the gala may bring one silent auction item to raise funds for your rescue. (Limit of 25 rescues per event.)
  • Gala/Event Co-host Eligibility (For 501c3 Organizations Only): Your rescue may be eligible to be a future co-host for our Endless Pawsibilities Gala or other events, as scheduled. Co-hosts provide support for the event in return for the opportunity to raise funds through sponsorships and event activities. Co-hosts keep 100% of their sponsorships and share in other event proceeds.
  • Event Ambassador Eligibility (For 501c3 Organizations Only): Your rescue may be eligible to be a future event ambassador. As such, your rescue will be able to solicit sponsorships like our co-hosts for our annual gala event or other events featuring sponsorship campaigns. You will receive 75% of all proceeds from these sponsorships to support your vital work. The remaining 25% will be allocated to TTR’s programs, primarily to support ResQ pledges. 

Additional Support

  • Fundraising Support: TTR will offer support to ResQ Partners with fundraisers, subject to time and volunteer availability.
  • Social Media Support: TTR will actively promote ResQ Partners by sharing their social media posts, and fundraising campaigns, and assisting them in expanding their follower base.
Write "N/A" if you are not a 501(c)(3).
Write "N/A" if you are not a 501(c)(3).
Write "N/A" if you are not a 501(c)(3).
Maintaining transparency when collecting donations is important and can involve several practices. These may include disclosing financial information upon request, adopting conflict of interest policies, and being clear about the organization's tax-exempt status. Additionally, providing access to financial reports and being honest about how donations are used are key to preserving donor trust. This transparency is not only ethical but also essential for building trust with donors and the rescue community.
NOTE: The tax-free gift limit, also known as the gift tax exclusion, is the maximum amount you can give a single person without reporting it to the IRS. The gift tax limit for 2023 was $17,000. If you gift more than the exclusion to a recipient, you will need to file tax forms to disclose those gifts to the IRS, and you may also have to pay taxes on it.

ResQ Partner Creed

We pledge to uphold the following principles:

  • Compassion and Empathy: We recognize the intrinsic value of every life, whether furry or feathered. Our hearts beat for the forgotten, the abandoned, and the voiceless.
  • Collaboration: We stand united, knowing that together we can achieve more. We foster partnerships with other rescues, shelters, and animal advocates. Our collective strength amplifies our impact.
  • Education and Advocacy: We believe knowledge is power. We educate our communities about responsible pet ownership, spaying and neutering, and the importance of adoption. We advocate for stronger animal welfare laws.
  • Fundraising with Purpose: We raise funds not just for survival, but for thriving. Every dollar we collect goes toward medical care, vaccinations, and spaying/neutering. We envision a world where no animal suffers due to lack of resources.
  • Networking: We connect like-minded souls across borders. Whether it’s sharing success stories, collaborating on rescue missions, or finding forever homes, our network spans miles and hearts.
  • Services with Heart: We provide more than shelter. We offer hope, healing, and second chances. Our services extend beyond physical care to emotional support—for both animals and their human companions.
  • Ending Euthanasia: We dream of a day when overcrowded shelters no longer resort to euthanasia. Our tireless efforts aim to reduce the unnecessary loss of innocent lives.

Optional: About your rescue

Please take a moment to fill out this brief questionnaire to help us understand your rescue activities. This information will be invaluable in our response to emergencies and networking to find placement for animals in need. 

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