Bolivar Animal Pound Volunteer Application

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4.4 Volunteers Volunteers for the Bolivar Animal Pound are generally used to socialize animals, assist with caretaking and help with coordinating special fundraising events. Their special skills and talents make a positive difference in the lives of Pound animals, and their recruitment is essential for good Pound operation. Making a good match between a volunteer’s particular area of interest and the needs of the Pound help further the mission of the Bolivar Animal Pound in providing care and companionship for homeless animals. Placement of volunteers in a program they can handle is important for their self-esteem and feelings of contribution. 4.4.1 Selection of volunteers. Because of its increased visibility as a Pound operating one of the best animal adoption and animal care services in the community, the Bolivar Animal Pound has been fortunate in attracting and retaining volunteers. Most volunteers are individuals who have visited or adopted from the Pound, been referred by community service agencies. The Pound prefers volunteers to be at least 18 years of age, although exceptions are made with the approval of the Support Services Lieutenant. 4.4.2 Volunteer application. Individuals wishing to become part of the Pound’s volunteer team are required to complete a Release of Liability Form and receive prior approval by the Support Services Lieutenant. (No family members of pound personnel will be authorized) 4.4.3 As with Pound personnel at the Pound, volunteers are expected to adhere to certain rules of conduct and behavior in order to provide a safe and productive work environment. 4.4.3a Volunteers are expected to dress appropriately. Volunteers are expected to do their work in a professional manner, to refrain from loitering in areas particularly in the front office and to refer visitors to Pound personnel if questions are asked and the proper answer is not known. 4.4.3b To enable Pound personnel to plan tasks, assignments and workload, each volunteer group is expected to schedule in advance. Individual volunteers may volunteer whenever their personal schedule permits. 4.4.4 Typical volunteer programs at the Bolivar Animal Pound include: 4.4.4a Both cats and dogs housed at the Pound need socializing for bonding, exercise, companionship, and reducing stress. Volunteers will socialize only with those animals available for adoption. No volunteer is permitted in the dog quarantine and cat isolation rooms. 4.4.4b Cat socializers interact one-on-one with homeless cats to ensure that their time at the Pound is as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. Cat socializers, pet, groom and play with the animals, tidy the cat’s living area and interact with potential pet adopters. At no time will cat socializers allow cats to roam free in the pound. Cat socializers are instructed to handle cats cautiously because of upper respiratory infection, to disinfect hands and clothing between handling each cat and to monitor the public’s contact with the animals. 4.4.4c Generally, dog socializers walk dogs, an important activity that provides play and exercise time. Volunteers are instructed to properly leash and collar dogs, to scoop any excrement while walking and secure dogs in their runs upon returning to the Pound. Dog walkers must control dogs so that they do not jump on people or other dogs and, at no time, are dogs allowed off a leash. Since dogs must be at the Pound for potential adopters, dog walkers are instructed to avoid walking dogs during peak adoption hours. This may include weekends. 4.4.4d Many volunteers are interested in programs to directly interact with animals. Kennel volunteers perform a wide variety of tasks ranging from cleaning kennel runs and cat cages, feeding, assisting with medicating, grooming, laundry chores and administrative duties. 4.4.5 Volunteers are scheduled to work based upon the needs of the Pound and are expected to adhere to a designated work schedule. 4.4.6 Like staff, volunteers can be terminated for a variety of reasons. Poor performance, disruptive behavior, absenteeism, or falsification of work hours by students will result in termination. In most situations, any problems will be brought to the attention of the Support Services Lieutenant. Should there be an incident extremely serious in nature that would warrant a volunteer leaving immediately, pound personnel have the authority to direct a volunteer to immediately leave the facility. The Support Services Lieutenant will be contacted followed by an IDC on the reasons for the immediate removal.
1. I verify that I am over 18 years of age. 2. I understand I will be volunteering at my own risk. BAP, its employees or affiliates, do not assume any responsibility or liability for any personal property damage, accident, injury, or health problems which may arise from any volunteer work I perform. 3. As a BAP volunteer, I agree that all work I perform is on a voluntary basis and I am not eligible to receive any monetary payment or rewards. 4. I agree that the Bolivar Animal Pound and its agents may take photographs or video footage of me for use in public relations efforts with or without prior notification. 5. I understand agree that BAP reserves the right to refuse my volunteer services at any time and dismiss me from the BAP premises for any reason. 6. I understand that once I have scheduled. assigned volunteer hours with BAP, I am committed to show up to volunteer on time as scheduled. If I "no-call, no-show" more than one time, I will be dismissed as a BAP volunteer.
I hereby agree to volunteer for the City of Bolivar Missouri Animal Pound, (herein after referred to as BAP), and in so doing, I agree to comply with all the rules and regulations established by BAP, and I understand that failure to do so may result in my immediate termination as a volunteer. As a volunteer, I agree to do my best to represent BAP to the public in an accurate and professional manner. I acknowledge that my services are provided strictly on a volunteer basis, without pay or compensation of any kind, and without liability of any nature on behalf of BAP, and all services are to be performed at my own risk. I recognize that in handling animals and performing other tasks, therein exists a risk of injury including physical harm caused by the animals. I agree to release and hold harmless BAP and any of its officers, directors, employees, affiliates, agents, volunteers, representatives, successors and assigns from and against any and all loss, damage, claims, liability, costs and expenses of any nature whatsoever, including without limitation attorney’s fees and disbursements, arising from or occasioned by my services to BAP. I understand if an accident or injury should occur, no matter how minor, that I will complete an Injury Report form and seek any necessary medical attention utilizing my own medical insurance. I understand that if I am or become pregnant while volunteering at BAP or have medical conditions that compromise my immune system, that I should talk to my doctor and get my doctor’s approval to volunteer in an animal pound. I agree that BAP may photograph my participation with BAP, and I hereby release any such photographs to BAP for use in its programs, publications, and purposes. I understand and acknowledge that the City of Bolivar Animal Pound has voluntarily offered me the opportunity to have personal contact with one or more animals housed at the pound. I understand and acknowledge that I have voluntarily selected the animal(s) I wish to have personal contact with, and I knowingly assume the risk of such contact, to include the following: any and all bites, scratches, violent attacks, other personal injury and/or property damage caused by my exposure to and or handling of such animal(s). In exchange for the opportunity to visit said animal(s), City of Bolivar Animal Pound and its volunteers and representatives are hereby released from any and all liability for any and all injuries and/or damage resulting from such exposure and contact. I acknowledge that this waiver is only valid upon approval and acceptance by the Authorizing administrator overseeing the volunteer program of the City of Bolivar Animal Pound and can be cancelled at any time without delay.
A phone or in person interview maybe needed.
Applications for volunteers can be denied for any reason. Once an application is denied, a person cannot reapply. Examples of reasons for denial include, but are not limited to, conflict of interest, failure to meet volunteer requirements, etc. BAP is limited on the number of volunteers based on the needs of the animal pound, available personnel for supervision, etc.

Time frame

Please allow 10 business days for a email or phone call. 

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