Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
We appreciate your interest in volunteering with To The ResQ! It's a pleasure to have you join our VISION Team (Volunteers Imagining, Serving, Implementing, Organizing, Networking)! As an organization powered entirely by volunteers, we rely on the dedication of individuals like you to make our work possible.
To The ResQ is committed to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in all of its activities and operations.
Please enter your birthdate below. All volunteers must be 18 years of age to apply.
Mobile Service Carrier: In order to add you to our text alert system please provide your current mobile service carrier provider (i.e. Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.)
We generally communicate via Facebook groups and messenger chats. If you are not on Facebook, please indicate the best way to communicate with you.
Please provide your responses to the questions in the section below, including details about yourself and your interests in volunteering.
In a few words, tell us why you would like to be part of To The ResQ and become part of our VISION Team of volunteers?
Have you previously volunteered at an animal shelter or animal welfare organization? If so, please briefly describe your volunteer experience and history:
This question is not required. Answer if you would like for us to know any information that might affect your ability to volunteer or your safety. Are there any physical or medical conditions or allergies about which you would like for us to be aware?
Please provide the full name and telephone number of at least one Emergency Contact Person.
What is your employment status (check all that apply):
If employed, please list employer information below. (We will not contact your employer as part of this application process.)
Please provide the email address and/or phone number for two character references below. At least one must NOT be a family member.
Have you or anyone in your household ever been convicted of a felony either as an adult or a juvenile?
Do you object to having your name checked through the local court system?
Tell us about your volunteer interests? Check all that apply!
If you do not see anything in the list above that describes your interests or ideas for volunteering with To The ResQ, please explain in the space below how you would like to contribute?
Are you interested in a manager/director level role? Since we are a volunteer-run organization, we like to have two volunteers working together as a managing team. If you work well with others, have strong organizational and managerial skills, please check all jobs below for which you would like to be considered.
To become a transporter, it is essential to possess a valid driver's license and car insurance. Always be ready to present proof of both upon request. Please answer ALL questions in this section.
Will you need compensation for gas and mileage?
Do you have a valid driver's license? If so, in what state was it issued?
As a volunteer for To The ResQ (TTR), I understand that my safety and the safety of others is paramount. I hereby accept and acknowledge that the following rules apply to my participation as a TTR Transporter:
I must provide evidence of my current status as a licensed driver. I must maintain adequate personal auto insurance and provide proof of coverage. I will comply with all TTR policies and procedures, as well as any directions provided by the ResQ Shuttle Managers or the Executive Director of TTR. I will comply with all laws and regulations concerning driving, including those pertaining to the use of seat belts, child safety seats, cell phone use, maintaining proper distance between vehicles, and speed limits. I will not allow any unauthorized person to drive for TTR operations unless that person has also been approved as a driver and has completed a Volunteer Driver Waiver.
I understand that as a volunteer driver, my personal auto insurance will be the policy responsible for any accidents or incidents that involve my vehicle, including those that occur while I am serving as a volunteer driver for TTR. I understand that TTR does not furnish any insurance for the protection of its volunteer drivers for any claim or suit that may be made against its volunteer drivers arising out of the operation of a personally owned vehicle; nor is any insurance provided by TTR to repair damage that may occur to a personally owned vehicle. INDEMNITY: I agree to indemnify TTR against all claims, losses, damages and expenses, including legal fees, which TTR may incur as a result of the use of my vehicle on behalf of TTR.
Do you have an active car insurance policy? If so, with what insurance company?
In general, what types of transport might you be interested in helping us with? Please check all that apply.
By checking yes below, I agree to each of the following declarations: I agree to conduct myself courteously and professionally as a volunteer and as a representative of To The ResQ. I agree to abide by all To The ResQ policies and procedures. I understand that it is my responsibility to handle all animals that I may encounter during my volunteer work with To The ResQ with respect and care and to ensure that I utilize all proper handling tools available at all times. I understand that in handling animals and performing other volunteer tasks there does exist a risk of injury including physical harm. I hereby agree that I am providing volunteer services for To The ResQ. This may also include assisting at off-site events at various locations. I understand that To The ResQ and any other businesses related to this offsite activity are not responsible for any illness or injury that I may sustain during my volunteer work. I agree to hold harmless and release from liability To The ResQ should I become sick or injured from any animals or activities as a result of my volunteer work. I agree that on behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representatives and executors, I release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless To The ResQ, its agents, employees, directors and board of directors from any and all claims, causes of action, or demands of any nature of cause, including costs and attorney's fees incurred by To The ResQ in connection with the same, based on damages or injuries which may be incurred or sustained by me in any way connected with my services for To The ResQ including but not limited to animal bites, accidents, or injuries.
By checking yes below, I agree and consent to the following statement: I have been fully explained the different volunteer opportunities available through To The ResQ. I agree that my services are provided on a volunteer basis without pay or compensation of any kind and all services are to be performed at my own risk. I agree to perform my volunteer duties to the best of my ability in accordance with To The ResQ guidelines. I understand that my volunteer involvement may be terminated at any time or any reason, by officers of To The ResQ or through my own doing.
By checking yes below, I hereby allow To The ResQ to use any photographs and/or videos taken of me on property or at a special event for public relation purposes. I agree to make no monetary claim against To The ResQ for the use of these photographs and/or videos.
Please write your full name in the box below. In doing so, you are acknowledging the following statement: By submitting this volunteer application, I affirm that I have answered all of these questions truthfully. Additionally, I assert that typing my name in the box below will serve as my digital acknowledgment and consent, agreement and/or understanding of the terms and conditions specified in the volunteer agreement set forth above.
Please enter today's date.
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.