To The ResQ Volunteer Application

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Personal Information

TTR Volunteer Requirements

We appreciate your interest in volunteering with To The ResQ! It's a pleasure to have you join our VISION Team (Volunteers Imagining, Serving, Implementing, Organizing, Networking)! As an organization powered entirely by volunteers, we rely on the dedication of individuals like you to make our work possible.

To The ResQ is committed to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in all of its activities and operations.

Please include date, month, year.
For instance, via email, text, phone.

Volunteer Information and Interests

Please provide your responses to the questions in the section below, including details about yourself and your interests in volunteering. 

You are not required to provide any information related to your health. This is simply for us to be aware of any life-threatening allergies or serious medical issues about which YOU would like for us to be aware.
Checking yes may result in rejection of your application.

Transport Volunteers Only: Additional Information, Documentation and Release (Skip if not interested in Transport)

To become a transporter, it is essential to possess a valid driver's license and car insurance. Always be ready to present proof of both upon request. Please answer ALL questions in this section. 


When requested, we can provide gas cards or reimbursement for gas/mileage. The current rate for reimbursement allowed by the IRS for volunteers for a non-profit is .14 per mile.
By checking yes, you agree to the entirety of the statement posted above.
By checking yes, you agree to the entirety of the statement posted above.
You must have current auto insurance coverage to transport for To The ResQ.
Please give us an idea of what you are willing or able to do so our transport coordinator will have a better understanding of our volunteers' ability to help.

Release of Liability

Please enter your full name below (First, Middle, Last).
Month, Day, Year

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