Supply Request Form

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Supply Request

Thank you for fostering with The Rescue Crew. We are happy to provide you with the standard supplies you may need to care for your foster pet(s). Of course, we are always grateful whenever you are willing to donate or provide supplies on your own and any costs associated can be considered as tax deductible to you. 

We request a minimum of 48 hours notice when possible to have supplies ready.  The more notice you are able to give, the more likely we will be able to have everything ready for you when needed.  

If you are picking up a new foster pet, we will have your supplies ready for you at the time and place when you pick up your foster. 

Are you needing supplies to care for a new foster pet you will be getting in the near future or for foster pets currently in your care? NOTE: For new foster pets we will have your supplies ready for you at the time and place you will be picking up your new foster (typically at our office in Andover) unless otherwise requested.

Standard List of Supplies

Below is a list of the standard care supplies we are able to provide.  The majority of our inventory is housed at our retail space in Andover(14033 Round Lake Blvd NW), where you would typically pick up your needed supplies. If this is not possibe for you, or overly inconvenient, please work with your Crew Member Coordinator and/or the Supply Manager so they may coordinator alternatives for getting them to you.

These are the standard care supplies we have available for dogs/puppies. Please check the items you need. NOTE: All dogs will be fitted with a martingale collar and ID tag designating this is a foster pet with The Rescue Crew and listing our phone number.
These are the standard care supplies we have available for foster cats/kittens. Please check the items you need. NOTE: We can provide a collar and ID tag for your cat if you'd like
As the majority of our animals come from either shelters/impounds or tribal lands, it's important to remember they are susceptible to illness and can carry or catch different diseases. Kittens and puppies especially are very susceptible to illness. For these reasons we request that foster caregivers isolate their foster pets with their own supplies for at least two weeks to try and ensure that the pet is healthy prior to exposing them to your personal pets. Additionally, we highly recommend crate training for foster dogs. To set everyone up for success, during the first couple of weeks minimize the people and pet introductions to your foster animals so that they are only meeting immediate family and your personal pets. If you have other pets at home, it is especially important to give your foster animal a space of their own where they can stay while getting used to all the new sights, sounds and smells. Don't leave your foster animal unattended in your home with your personal pets until you are comfortable that all of the animals can interact safely. Even then, we strongly recommend that dogs be separated when you are away. To assist with this, The Rescue Crew can provide the following if needed
We have limited inventory of other supplies you may need, particularly in special situations like bottle baby kittens (powdered formula) or medical needs (special diet/prescription food). If you need an item not listed above please list the request below, and the reason needed, and we will do our best to get it for you.

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