Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Alternate phone:
Driver's License Number and/or Vehicle Plate Number:
Pet's name:
Pet's sex:
Pet breed/type
To your knowledge has your pet bitten, or shown potential to bite, in the past:
If yes to the above question, please describe the incident.
Is your pet spayed/neutered?
Pet's estimated weight
How long have you had your pet?
What is the reason for surrendering your pet?
Your pet's D.O.B./current Age:
In order for us to consider accepting a surrender, your pet must be up to date on all vaccines prior to surrender. Please mark below indicating they are done.
In order for us to consider accepting your surrender, your pet must have recently had a heartworm test. Please list below the monthly heartworm preventative you use, and the date/results of the recent heartworm test.
You must attach vet records showing the above vaccines and test were complete. Rabies Certificate must be included as well,
Please list the flea/tick preventative you currently use and date of last dose.
When left alone my pet: (Check all that apply)
My pet is afraid of: (Check all that apply)
If anything is checked above, please describe the behavior they exhibit when in these situations.
Please describe pets overall demeanor:
My pet has the following health concerns:
My pet is currently on this medication:
Other helpful information about my pet:
Name the 3 best qualities of your pet. Also name the 3 worst qualities of your pet:
My pet knows the following basic Commands: (Check all that apply)
Additional known commands, if any.
Is your pet leash trained?
If available, please attach a photo of your pet.
● The information given applies to the pet(s) in which I am surrendering to NTTSARS.
● I agree that a surrender fee of at least $100.00 per pet surrendered, will be required to offset expenses
● I understand that upon the animal(s) arrival, NTTSARS will assume legal ownership of the animal(s) until its legal adoption. I acknowledge that by signing this form, I transfer all rights to the animal(s) to NTTSARS, forfeiting any claims or ownership.
● I understand If NTTSARS feels any animal(s) is found to be a danger to the public or is in a state of extreme physical suffering, NTTSARS has the right to humanely euthanize.
● By signature below you agree that all veterinarian records can be released to NTTSARS for the surrendered pet(s), as needed.
● By signature below you agree that if your pet(s) is microchipped, the microchip will be transferred to NTTSARS upon surrender.
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.