Owner Surrender Request

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Owner Surrender Information

Completing this Owner Surrender Request DOES NOT guarantee that White Kisses will be able to take your Dane into the rescue. We will review your request and get back to you within 5 business days to let you know if we are able to assist.

By completing this Owner Surrender Request, you do hereby assert that you are the legal owner and agree to relinquish any and all interest and rights of the pet(s) listed below to White Kisses if the rescue agrees to assist. Once this form is completed and you have surrendered said pet to the care of White Kisses Great Dane Rescue, you no longer have control over the care of this pet. You also have no recourse for reclaiming this pet at a later date. White Kisses does not "own" any dog until the rescue actually takes possession of the dog.

Note: We will call you within a 5 business days of receiving the form. We can not always take the dog(s) for a variety of reasons, but will be more than happy to recommend other rescues and options if, by chance, we can not take your dog(s).

Owner Surrender Confirmation

If White Kisses Great Dane Rescue agrees to assist, I understand that I agree to relinquish full ownership of the above listed animal(s) to White Kisses Great Dane Resuce. I understand that this animal will be spayed/neutered and fully vetted prior to being placed for adoption. I agree to give up the dogs registration papers and all medical records available to and allow White Kisses Great Dane Rescue to contact my vet if necessary.

White Kisses does not "own" any dog until we actually take possession of the owner surrender.

Your typed name is considered your signature.

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