Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to volunteer at The Bunny Trail Rescue:
Have you owned a rabbit before (Not required)?
What volunteer work would you like to do? What are your expectations?
When are you available to volunteer?
If for school are there any requirements from us that you will need? If not for school please just respond N/A
Do you have any special skills, training, interests, or hobbies you would like to bring to our rescue?
Thank you for willing to offer up your time, as we know it is always in short supply.
As a volunteer for The Bunny Trail Rabbit Rescue, we do have a code of conduct that we require from all of our volunteers. We want to ensure that all of our volunteers are open, honest, and always ready to have fun. We do have a few rules just to ensure everyone's expectations are on the same page:
By clicking Yes below you agree to the above code of conduct:
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.