GRRAND Surrender Application

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Personal Information

Basic Information About Your Dog

Medical and Physical history

List any medications your dog is taking and include frequency and dosage
Specify the brand and flavor of the food your dog eats, along with your current feeding schedule
If your dog is on a special diet, please specify the condition and type of food
Identify the name of your dog's veterinarian along with the complete address and phone number including area code

Living Conditions

Children and Other Pets

Describe your dog's behavior and training

Examples: On a daily basis when you are away. The crate is used for sleeping only. Crate was used as a puppy but no longer uses a crate.
If you answered "Yes" to any of the above training/behavior issues, please describe the situation
Please provide any other information that would be helpful to know in order to place your dog in an appropriate adoptive home
GRRAND will require a picture of your dog. PNG, JPG and PDF files are accepted. If you upload a photo size of 1 MB or less your application will process faster. If you upload a larger file, please be patient when you select the "submit" button below. The file size must be less than 10 MB.
You may submit a second picture of your dog if you wish. It is not required.

Truth of Information

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