Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Was this dog adopted from GRRAND?
Dog's Name
Dog's Age
How much does your dog weigh?
If you are surrendering a female dog that has not been spayed, when was her last cycle?
Do you own the dog?
Do you want to give up ownership of your dog?
Explain in detail why you are giving up your dog.
Describe all medical conditions, mobility issues, or allergies.
Has your dog ever had seizures?
Are your dog's vaccinations up to date?
Is your dog on heart worm prevention?
Is your dog on flea protection medication?
List of surgeries
Special diet
What is your dog's microchip number?
Where does your dog spend most of the day?
How long is your dog left alone during the day?
Where does the dog sleep at night?
Does your dog get regular exercise?
Do you have a way to confine your dog to your property?
Has your dog ever escaped confinement while outdoors?
Are there children in your household?
Are there other pets, including cats, in your household?
Does your dog get along with other dogs in public areas?
Is your dog house broken?
Is your dog crate trained?
If you answered "yes" to the crate training question, please describe when and how you use the crate.
Is your dog trusted to roam free in your home?
Is your dog leash trained?
Is your dog trained to stay within an invisible fence?
Food or toy aggressive?
Does your dog have a phobia of storms?
Does your dog have chewing issues?
Does your dog show fear or aggression around strangers?
Has your dog ever nipped a person?
Does your dog show fear or aggression around other animals?
Has your dog ever nipped another animal?
Does your dog bark excessively?
Training/behavior detail
Other Information
Upload a picture of your dog
Choose an option that best describes your dog's energy level
Is your dog able to obey basic commands?
I/we hereby affirm, acknowledge, warrant and represent that ALL information contained in this surrender application is true and correct to my/our best knowledge and belief.
GRRAND will not share your personal information with other individuals or organizations without your permission. The only exception is if disclosure is necessary to comply with the law or a court order compels us to. We will share your information with government agencies if they need or request it.
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.