Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Name, Age, and approximate size/weight of Dog
Breed & Sex of Dog
Is the Dog up to date on vet visits for the year? Check all that apply
Is the dog good with .....
What kind of energy level would you classify this dog?
Is your dog......
Are you aware of any medical concerns with this dog?
Anything else you would like to tell us about this Dog?
Please supply a photo of your Dog.
Additional Photos
Main reason for needing to surrender your dog?
Is this your dog or someone else's?
How long have you had this dog?
By checking the "I agree" box below I understand that I am surrendering all my rights to this dog if Happy Feet Pet Rescue chooses to accept into rescue.
All decisions regarding the placement of this dog will be made solely by Happy Feet Pet Rescue.
I certify that I am the owner of this dog.
Can we share your animal's information on our social media pages as needing a foster home?
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.