Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
What is the dog's name?
How old is the dog?
Is the dog male or female?
If the dog is female, when was her last heat cycle?
If the dog is female, has she had any litters? If so, how many?
What is the dog's breed?
What are the dog's colors/markings?
Is this dog up-to-date on vaccinations?
Does this dog live indoors?
Please describe the dog's temperament/personality.
Please add a photo of said dog here.
What is the dog’s approximate weight? In pounds, please.
How many dogs do you have? Please list their names, ages, and if they are spayed/neutered.
What are the names of the other adults in the home?
Do they have any dogs? If so, please list their names, ages, and if they're spayed/neutered.
I hereby affirm that I am the owner of the above mentioned animal and am the rightful owner.
I hereby affirm that the information in this application is true.
I agree to having my dog’s name and photo(s) being used in KPAL Rescue’s social media, outreach, fundraising efforts, etc.
By selecting the "I agree" below, you are "signing" this application electronically. You agree by selecting this option is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Application. By selecting "I agree" you consent to be legally bound by the information provided in this application/agreement.
I understand that this application is only valid for up to sixty days. If your dog is not spayed/neutered within that 60 days, you must resubmit a SpayAK Application to be reconsidered.
Thank you for considering getting your animal spayed/neutered through Kenai Peninsula Animal Lovers (KPAL) Rescue's SpayAK program. We will be in touch!
Rescues and shelters are inundated with surrender and abandoned animals of all kinds. In an effort to reduce the number of unwanted dogs and puppies in our area, KPAL Rescue is launching our SpayAK Program locally! KPAL Rescue's SpayAK program is only made possible by generous donations from our community supporters.
This is NOT a FREE program and is only available as funds are available, and at KPAL Rescue's sole discretion. All applicants must contribute at least $350 and show proof of residency in our covered area (the Kenai Peninsula Borough as well as Kokhanok, Illiamna, non-Dalton, Port Alsworth, and Igiugig). Applicants must pay for any other medical services that are wanted or required at the surgery appointment, to include an up-to-date Rabies vaccination (or providing proof thereof).
Do you understand that SpayAK is NOT a free program and that you will be required to contribute at least $350 towards this surgery? This is nonrefundable and is required to be paid prior to us scheduling your appointment.
Do you understand that KPAL Rescue's SpayAK Program is only available as funds are available, and at KPAL Rescue's sole discretion?
Do you understand that SpayAK is designed to assist those who cannot otherwise afford to get their dog spayed/neutered?
Do you affirm that you cannot otherwise afford the sterilization surgery of the dog named below, without the help of KPAL Rescue’s SpayAK Program?
Do you understand that if your dog is not up-to-date on their Rabies vaccination, that you will be required to pay for that vaccination? If your dog is up-to-date, proof will be required to proceed with scheduling.
Do you understand that if you want or need any additional medical services done at the surgery appointment, that you will be financially responsible for such? KPAL Rescue will not be paying for any additional services.
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.