Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Surrendering a pet can be a difficult and heartbreaking decision for owners. Accepting surrendered pets and working to find them in new loving homes is an important part of our mission. However, due to limited space and the large number of animals in need of homes, Happy Tails Pet Rescue is focusing on cat rescue for now. We will consider accepting a cat for surrender on a case-by-case basis. Happy Tails Pet Rescue will do whatever we can to get your cat into the adoption program or foster home, as soon as resources and funding allow. Please fill out the form below. After the screening process, a charge for surrendering your cat is required. However, the minimum charges for surrendering your cat will be equal to the cost of Happy Tails Pet Rescue getting the animal up to date on vaccines. This is not refundable in part or whole.
Breed and Color
Is your cat declawed?
Is your cat spayed or neutered?
Has your cat been tested for Feline Leukemia or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FELV or FIV)?
Check the terms that best describe your cat.
How long have you owned the pet?
Where did the pet originally come from?
How old is your cat?
What is your cat's name?
Why do you need to rehome the pet?
What steps have you taken to rehome the pet?
Please describe the type of living situation the pet would prefer (for example, kids/no kids, pets/no pets, active home/quiet home).
Are there behaviors you dislike about the pet? If so, please explain.
Is the pet ever destructive? If so, please provide details.
Has the pet ever bitten anyone? If so, please provide details.
Has the pet ever lived with children? If yes, what were the ages of the children?
Has the pet ever lived with other pets? If yes, what kind and did they get along?
Is there anything we should know about the pet that would help in finding a home?
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.