Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Name of Pet:
1. Adopter agrees to pay Angels for Animals a non-refundable adoption donation in the amount of $ 295.00. I/we accept the terms of this agreement as set forth below. I/we understands the Angels for Animals reserves the right to reclaim the pet if any of the following conditions are not met. This is a non-profit organization. Angels for Animals may repossess the pet if we have reason to believe the pet is being mistreated, abused (verbally or physically), neglected, or is in an unhealthy condition. I/we further understand that an Angels for Animals Representative may make a follow up home visit to ascertain that all conditions are being satisfied.
2. Adopter agrees the animal is top be a family companion and agrees to provide the animal with a safe home, adequate food, water, proper care, exercise, love and attention. Adopter agrees not to violate any laws or ordinances with the animal.
3. Adopter agrees to keep a collar on the animal with ID tag, microchip tag and town animal license. If at any time the animal is lost, stolen, hurt or killed, the adopter is to notify Angels for Animals by phone.
4. Adopter agrees that the animal will be inside the home when no one is at home. When the Adopter is to go away for a prolonged period of time or vacation, Adopter is to prearrange proper care for the animal.
5. The animal is not to ride loose in the bed of pickup trucks under any circumstances or to be left unattended in a vehicle for any reason.
6. Adopter agrees to have a clean, secure fenced area for the animal. If a fenced enclosure is not available, Adopter agrees to leas walk animal. If Adopter uses invisible fencing, the animal is to be sufficiently trained before releasing it inside the system. Under no circumstances is the animal to be kept routinely on a runner or tie out.
7. Adopter agrees to have the animal examined by a licensed veterinarian at least once each year and provide for all vaccinations and treatments necessary to ensure good health. If euthanasia becomes necessary Adopter agrees to have it performed by a licensed veterinarian.
8. Adopter agrees to notify Angels for Animals of a change in address and/or phone number within two weeks of such change.
9. Angels for Animals makes no guarantees or statements regarding the animal’s age, breed, health or temperament. While AFA has made every effort to provide accurate history and assessment of the animal, AFA is not able to guarantee the animal’s age, breed, medical status, behavior or disposition. Adopter agrees to release Angels for Animals of any and all possible claims arising from injury or damage caused by the animal to any person or property. Adopter accepts this animal “as is” with all defects, either observable or unobservable, and assumes all risk for the animal upon signing of this agreement.
10. If for whatever reason the Adopter is unable to keep this animal for its entire life, the adopter must return the animal to Angels for Animals. Adopter agrees not to give away, sell or dispose of the animal without express consent of Angels for Animals. Adopter agress it they live out of the area they will bring the animal back to Rancho Cucamonga to deliver to AFA.
11. Adopter will allow Angels for Animals to conduct a phone check=in at their discretion after adoption in order to check on the animal’s welfare.
12. SPAY & NEUTER AGREEMENT – If animal is not spayed/neutered at time of adoption, adopter agrees and ensures that he/she will bring the animal on the scheduled surgery date, made by Angels for Animals at their vet.
13. In the even this agreement, including all its covenants and conditions, is breached by Adopter Angels for Animals has the right to rescind this agreement and demand return of the animal. If the Adopter fails to return the animal, Angels for Animals has the right to seek a Court Order for return of the animal and seek liquidated damages from the Adopter in the amount of $750.00 plus any court cost or attorney’s fees. Payment of damages shall not excuse Adopter from returning the animal to Angels for Animals.
14. This agreement shall insure to the benefit of and be binding upon Adopter and Angels for Animals and their successors or beneficiaries. Both parties have fully read and understood all of the agreement, which sets forth all promises, conditions, and understanding, oral or written.
In testimony whereof, Adopter and Angels for Animals sign on this date:
Rescue Representative
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.