Forever Fortunate Felines Cat Owner Surrender or Stray Surrender

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Personal Information

FFF About the Animal

If you are surrendering an animal that was originally adopted by an Illinois-based Shelter or Rescue, you must surrender the animal back to the original shelter per Illinois State regulations. If this case applies to you, please stop filling out this form and contact the shelter which originally adopted your pet.
As we are an all-volunteer organization, we may not have the volunteer staff capability to be able to respond to every surrender request as sometimes we have a high volume of surrender requests. If you do not receive a response within 7 days, feel free to pester us at to ask for an update.

FFF Surrender Request

Please note that approval is required from a FFF representative to waive the owner surrender fee. You are still the legal and responsible owner for this animal until both the surrender fee is paid and this contract is submitted/returned to FFF. Alternatively, we have an option for you to do a quick and Facebook fundraiser. Learn more at . If you adopted from FFF and are returning the cat to FFF, your cat must be current/up to date on Rabies and Distemper to qualify for the $0 surrender fee. Evidence of current vaccinations must be presented to FFF.
Provide a reason why the surrender fee should be waived. For example, I am surrendering a highly adoptable and healthy cat which has had all vetting services completed such as spay/neuter, virus testing, rabies, fvrcp, and microchip. If any of these services are missing, FFF will incur expense as a result of the surrender so the surrender fee would apply.
As part of the surrender process, the surrender fee must be paid upon confirmation from our intake coordinator that we are able to take the cat or cats into our rescue. If you are planning to keep the pet during the re-homing process in your own home, then we will collect the surrender fee and if we are unable to re-home the pet within 90 days, we will return the surrender fee. If you re-home the pet on your own during this 90-day period, the surrender fee is non-refundable as we have already put forth effort to post and advertise the pet for re-homing. If your surrender fee is $0, please check Yes that you understand. Please note a $0 surrender fee is only allowed if approved by a board member of FFF or if you are returning a cat you adopted from FFF. Otherwise, you will be invoiced for the surrender fee.
I will take 5 to 10 minutes of my time to create a Facebook fundraiser. With one or two heartfelt sentences and a good photo, my fundraiser for FFF can be up and running in no time on Facebook. Please target $200 or higher as your fundraising amount. If your fundraiser exceeds the surrender fee, we will refund the surrender fee (please contact us for the refund). Typically the care for surrender cats and strays exceed the cost of our adoption fee so our fundraising is critical in order for us to continue to have the finances we need to care for our rescue cats. We have an instructional video and link to get you started at Thank you so much for your understanding!
We accept returns of FFF cats that we originally adopted at our store locations, normally within a few days. Please select the store location you would like to return to. In order to return to our store location, your cat must be up to date on Rabies and Distemper vaccinations and have no significant health issues. Evidence of up to date vaccinations is required to process the return. Please note that we adopted the cat to you fully vaccinated and up to date so we do expect the cat to be returned in the same condition, up to date on Rabies and Distemper vaccinations. We will attempt to accommodate your closest store request although it depends on how many cats are at each store and where space is available, you may be referred to a different store for surrender.
Our average time in foster care is 60 days until adoption to a great home! If you are willing to foster these cats while we publish them, vet them, and make them ready for adoption, we can typically expedite your surrender request. Please note the surrender fee (or fundraiser) still applies as the cost to vet a cat for adoption costs more than our adoption fees.

Medical Information

Please complete if applicable
Vet Name, Vet Address, Vet Phone
Please check all that apply
Please include the date, reason for visit, and any treatments prescribed by the Vet.
Please describe what type of food (brand and if wet and/or dry food) and how many times per day does this cat or dog eat.


Please check all that apply
Please Leave blank if a dog
Please leave blank if dog
Please leave blank if dog
Please check all that apply
Please leave blank if cat
Please check all that apply

Completion Questions

I hereby certify that I am the rightful owner/keeper/caretaker/custodian of the animal(s) who is/are the subject of this Animal Surrender Form, hereinafter referred to as “the animal.” I hereby surrender any and all property rights to the animal. I certify that no other person has a right of property to the animal. I understand that by surrendering my property rights to the animal, the animal may be transferred into the custody of an animal shelter. I also hereby certify that the animal has not bitten or scratched a human or another animal within the past 10 days. I understand that once I relinquish the animal, the animal will not be available to be returned.

Surrender Guidelines

We receive a high volume of surrender forms and in some cases, we are not able to respond to every surrender request. Our staff is 100% volunteer-based and we do not have the capability to process a high volume of surrender forms. By filling out this form, please understand we will make every attempt to respond to you if we are able to do so, although we may not be able to when we receive a high volume of surrender forms.

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