Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Animal Name
Animal Gender
Animal Age
Animal Breed
Animal Color
Distinguishing Mark
Microchip Number
Stray or Feral or Owner Surrender?
Surrender to Original Shelter
Response Times
How long have you had this cat?
When do you need to give up this cat? If you are planning to foster this cat, please let us know here.
From where was this cat originally obtained?
Reason for surrendering?
Do you agree to pay a surrender fee of:
If you believe the surrender fee should be waived, please provide your explanation here.
I understand I will be electronically invoiced the agreed surrender fee and the invoice payment is due immediately. The invoice amount will be what I selected in the earlier question above.
I will take 5 minutes to Create an FFF Facebook Fundraisers, instructions are at
Returning a cat to FFF which was originally adopted from FFF. Please indicate the closest store location.
If you adopted this cat from FFF (Forever Fortunate Felines), Please select a response below.
Please allow up to 30 days notice for a return to allow the rescue to find a foster home for your cat. Once you submit your surrender form, you can view your place in line at .
Are you willing to foster this cat or cats?
Veterinarian Contact Information
Is this cat or dog?
Is this cat or dog on any medications?
Most Recent Veterinarian Visit
Diet and Eating Habits
Does this cat or dog enjoy/tolerate?
Does this cat have litter box issues?
Does anything cause this cat to growl, hiss, swat, scratch, or bite?
Is this cat or dog ever destructive?
Does this cat stay?
Does this dog need to stay inside a crate?
If the answer is yes to any of the above behavior questions, please explain further
Other behavioral comments you would like us to know about?
Is this cat or dogs behavior ?
Is there anything else you would like Forever Fortunate Felines Rescue to know?
How did you find out about Forever Fortunate Felines Rescue?
Digital Signature. Please type your name in the answer box below to indicate your agreement and signature
Please upload a picture of your cat or dog
Please upload medical records for your cat or dog
Additional Photos or Records
Surrender Volume
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.