Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
This agreement is for the adoption of the selected dog below:
I agree to assume all legal risks and obligations of ownership.
I agree to care for the dog in a humane manner and be a responsible guardian.
I agree to respect and comply with local and state ordinances for the protection of animals.
I agree to allow a representative of Haven Dog Rescue to inspect and remove the pet from my premise if the animal is found to be receiving inadequate care of if there is evidence of neglect.
I agree that at any point I cannot keep the dog, I will return the dog to Haven Dog Rescue.
I understand that Haven Dog Rescue does not guarantee the health, behavior or temperament of any animal.
I agree to feed the dog twice a day and provide fresh water daily.
I agree to supervise the dog around other adults, children and pets.
I agree to contact Haven Dog Rescue IMMEDIATELY in the event that the dog escapes my supervision.
I agree that this dog is to be a companion animal, not a guard dog. The dog will live inside my home, not outdoors, and it will be a safe, secure area.
I agree that all other animals in my home are current on vaccinations.
If applicable, my spouse and/or all family members have agreed to this arrangement with Haven Dog Rescue.
I agree to keep Haven Dog Rescue informed of my current home address and phone number.
I understand that adoption fees fund the rescue and are not refundable after the initial 7-day trial period has expired.
This Contract is binding and enforceable by Civil Law in the State of California. Any breach of this contract in part or whole requires that the adopter voluntarily relinquish said canine and any papers that pertain to said canine to the adopting agent's designated representative within seven (7) days of notification at the adopter's expense without entitlement of any refund or damages of any kind.
Do you agree to the Enforcement of Contract?
Adopter promises and agrees to be soley responsible for this animal and to indemnify and hold harmless adopting agents and Haven Dog Rescue from any and all claims of liability for the conduct of this canine on or after the date of this adoption and agreement of contract.
Do you agree to the Release of Liability and Indemnification?
I agree to pay the adoption fee when the invoicing email is received.
Today's date
Type your full name below to sign this form:
We disclose to potential adopters all information regarding behavior and medical care that we are aware of, including bite history. We are not responsible for any dogs behavior once they leave our care. We will always take our dogs back in the event the dog is not a match.
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.