Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.
Tell us which areas you are interested in volunteering
If you have other volunteer ideas, please feel free to list them!
Summarize any special skills and/or qualifications you have acquired from employment or through other activities, including hobbies or sports. Tell us why you are interested in assisting in the welfare of German Shepherds.
Summarize your previous volunteer experience. Previous experience is not essential, as training will be provided.
Person to notify in case of emergeny
It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age or disability. We ask that all individuals that are interested in Volunteering be at least 18yrs of age. If not, the underage Volunteer will need to be accompanied by a Parent at all times when in the presence of our dogs.
Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in volunteering with us. Please give us a week to review your form.
If accepted you will receive and email or phone call from a GHGSDR representative to schedule a phone interview. Please have patience, as we are few and you are many. The final acceptance, of course, will be made by the German Shepherds!
By submitting this application, I affirm that I have read the policy above, and that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am accepted as a volunteer, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in exclusion from the group.
I understand and agree to the terms
Create Account or Log In:
Creating an account or logging in via facebook/email will let you save your application, and allow you to access your pets medical records and other important information after you adopt or foster.